The CAPABLE ™ approach is a proven path for pre-school
children to be educated in the New Education realm.
The core of New Education is COMPLETENESS, which is to provide
the child with intellectual skills such as those that may be
acquired in a smart school environment
with an inculcation of life’s golden values

More often than not, life’s golden values are forgotten in today’s world and it is only with the combination of these values and intellectual competence that a person can be truly successful. Krista’s CAPABLE Programme is an all-encompassing programme that focuses on individuality, the effective acquisition of knowledge, character building and the achieving of competency. These 4 segments incorporate the 7 pillars comprising the academic foundation, practical experiences, assessment provision, benevolence inculcation, learn to play and exploratory endeavours. The programme is designed to promote all-around, healthy development for the child during his or her early childhood years. It is carried out in a fun, exciting and creative environment that nurtures the preschooler’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional, language, fine and gross motor skills development.